OFAC List Search - Free 14 Day Trial
A subscription to Verifilter provides these benefits:
OFAC list search from your browser
No downloading - just log in and start screening. |
Compliance with OFAC and many other lists
We continually monitor OFAC SDN and many other important watch lists. |
Check names in a spreadsheet
Upload and scan your spreadsheets. Results will be emailed to you. |
Try our service FREE for 14 days (up to 10 searches)
Why Verifilter?
Using Verifilter is easy. There are no downloads or cumbersome updates.
Just log in and start checking your customers. It's as easy as typing in a customer name and hitting
the Return key.
Verifilter has advanced software systems that continually monitor important watch lists, making sure that
you have a single place to search that is always up-to-date and accurate.
We have years of experience building sophisticated computer systems related to
export regulations. Since 2008, we've been providing the highest level of quality to our customers.
Government regulations are complicated. Understanding which regulations apply to your company is complex and often
hard to determine. Verifilter will check your transactions against all of the important government watch lists
and give you specific advice about what to do in each situation.