Many businesses need to stay in compliance with OFAC and other government watchlists and
sanctions regulations.
Why should you use our service?
1. Highly accurate searching
The names found in the government watch lists often have multiple spellings, and missing or incomplete
information. If you just searched by how a name was spelled, you would miss many possible matches.
Our search system is custom built to ignore exact spelling - it gives you incredibly accurate search results.
2. Search for names in a spreadsheet, ACH or XML file
Do you have a spreadsheet with names in it that you want scanned?
Or an ACH file (either IAT or non-IAT)?
Our system makes it simple to check all of the names at once.
3. Always up to date
We use a combination of automated systems and manual effort to keep our database up to date.
You don't need to worry about accuracy, because we check the source government information
several times per day.
4. Web services for integration into your apps
You can perform searches from your own application or web sites by using our search web services.
The results can be returned in either HTML or XML, for maximum flexibility and power.